Join a supportive community for building a profitable wellness business without feeling confused about what you should be doing next or overwhelmed by doing it alone.
And as a graduate of the NTA, you get three months completely free.
The carefully crafted content in the HEA membership is helping me make my dream of putting together a practice to be of service to others, come to life. I hadn’t a clue about what starting a business even looked like and the HEA provides a simple to follow Blueprint and the invaluable resources to guide and keep me on track, step by step. I feel fully supported and inspired by the amazing community that you have created for us to thrive and grow.
The content is helping me lay the foundation of what my practice can look like and the done for you presentations, newsletters, and social media are golden as I figure out how to put these systems and habits in place without the added stress of having to come up with my own content too. Your interviews are thoughtful, professional and filled with gems. I don’t know what I would be doing right now if it wasn’t for the HEA.
HEA is shining a light for where I’m going and the steps to get there.
One thing is certain: the world needs your help now more than ever.
But now that you’re ready to go out into the world and help people, chances are, you’re probably mulling over a very common question.
It’s the question that may have been dancing around in the back of your mind while you were going through the NTA program, thinking about turning this incredible nutrition education you were receiving into a career…
“What should I be doing to build my business?”
The good news is, building a profitable business as an NTP can be done. And you don’t need thousands of followers on social media, complicated marketing tactics, or years of experience to get there. It’s simply a matter of learning the strategies that work and implementing them consistently.
It’s also a good idea to understand the common pitfalls so that you can know what to avoid.
4 Reasons Practitioners Get Stuck With A Chronic Case of Hypo-Successism:
(and how to prevent them from happening to your practice)
"I don't have enough clients."
When practitioners have trouble finding enough clients, it’s actually symptomatic of something deeper. The problem isn’t that they can’t find clients, it’s that they’re missing the mark on how they are positioning themselves as a practitioner. As a result of that, the messaging that they are using to try to attract clients is off, so it’s not resonating with people. As a further result of that, they likely haven’t identified the best marketing channels for their unique position in the market and likely aren’t executing on them in high enough volume. And, if they’re like many practitioners, they probably aren’t doing a great job of following up with the prospective clients they have come across.
How you can prevent this:
This can be prevented by correctly identifying your unique position in the marketplace, aligning your messaging and marketing methods appropriately, adjusting the volume and frequency of your marketing execution, and having an ongoing plan for keeping in touch with prospective clients so that they can be converted to paying clients.
"I'm not good at business, sales, or marketing."
Let me ask you this… if you were to visit another country without ever having learned the language, would it make sense to beat yourself up for not being able to perfectly and immediately understand what the native speakers around you are saying? Of course not. You haven’t learned the language yet!
This same logic holds true in business. When you don’t have a clear roadmap or a repeatable system for building your business and marketing yourself (or the education and support you need to execute these things competently and consistently), how can you blame yourself for not seeing the business growth you’d like?
When practitioners tell me they aren’t good at business, sales, or marketing, I let them know that they aren’t the problem – it’s the missing education, strategy, and ongoing execution that is.
How you can prevent this:
It’s not that you “aren’t good” or “won’t be good” at these things or that you can’t achieve success with them – it’s that you simply need to surround yourself with the right education and resources so that you can understand how they work and subsequently do them competently.
"I don't have enough time for marketing."
Studying client folders. Creating client plans. Answering client questions. Ordering supplements. Creating your website. Feeling like you should be posting on social media to promote your business but not totally sure how to do it effectively.
The list goes on and on (and on and on and on). When we’re wearing all the hats in our business, it can be easy to put marketing on the back burner (especially when we’re feeling intimidated by how to do it well in the first place!).
But the unfortunate truth is, if you don’t make marketing a priority, you don’t have a viable business. So what’s a health professional to do? Get strategic.
How you can prevent this:
You’ve got to step away from any wheels you are currently reinventing when it comes to launching, growing, and marketing a wellness business and plug into the knowledge and resources of those who’ve done it already. Take advantage of pre-assembled resources. Learn from successful practitioners to understand how they’ve leveraged the same 24 hours in a day we all have. Many hands make light work, and this holds true in building a business. Even if you’re a solo practitioner with no employees yet, you don’t have to build your business alone – nor should you.
"I'm spinning my wheels trying to get this thing off the ground."
Man, do I understand this. You reach the end of the work day and feel like you’ve been busy all day long but have barely scratched the surface of your to-do list. Or you reach the end of the month, look back, and feel that twinge of regret for not having made more progress. But the thing is, if you don’t have a clearly defined strategy and if you haven’t laid out clear, specific, measurable goals, it is far too easy to default into wheel spinning and fail to make the forward progress you want to see.
How to prevent this:
A clearly defined strategy in place that you’re following diligently, measurable goals that you’re working toward, week after week and month after month, and the support to keep you focused and accountable.
Who exactly am I to tell you all this?

Hey there, I’m Jessica Pantermuehl.
(I know… it’s German. It’s pronounced PON-ter-meal.)
And when I’m not geeking out on the latest books in functional nutrition, brewing up ferments like a mad scientist in my kitchen, or basking in the sweaty, sweaty glory of my infrared sauna, I’m running the Holistic Entrepreneur Association, lead instructing for the Nutritional Therapy Association’s Career Development Course, and teaching the marketing and leadership courses at the Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine.
I’ve been in practice since 2011 as a functional nutritional therapy practitioner and holistic health coach myself, both in private practice and as head of nutrition counseling for an integrative medical center, so I know the power of holistic nutrition to my bones. I’ve helped hundreds of one-on-one clients find relief from chronic pain through nutrition counseling, and many more through online programs and group classes.
But real talk… the beginning years were rough. I often felt overwhelmed, unclear what the best next steps were, and wishing there was just some sort of roadmap for how to build a business as a practitioner (plus, a whole lot of stress-eating dark chocolate).
I eventually plowed deep into business education and subsequently found success as a practitioner, but it seemed so WRONG to me that we, as health and wellness professionals, who are doing such important work, don’t have access to the kind of continual and ongoing business support that we need to be successful.
It felt like we were all reinventing the wheel in isolation as we figured out how to build each of our own individual practices, and this seemed so inefficient to me.
So, I created the Holistic Entrepreneur Association.
Not only as a way for me to share the strategies that had worked for me, but to create a robust resource hub for our community where practitioners could learn from a variety of experts in business and marketing, as well as from each other’s mistakes and successes.
I created the HEA so that we could, collectively, shift the paradigm of the way our modern society approaches health.
At this point, the HEA has helped thousands of health professionals in creating successful, sustainable businesses through an authentic, compassionate, and modern approach to marketing and running a business.
And the good news is…
Building a profitable health and wellness business isn’t actually rocket science.
In fact, it’s easier than ever.
It simply takes learning the strategies that work and implementing them consistently. The HEA is here to support you in not just learning about business building strategies but consistently executing them with guided support, month after month.
So here’s the thing…
If you’ve read this far, you already know that having a strategy for your business-building efforts is critical to your success.
But maybe you didn’t know that by having ongoing support in building your business using the system I’m about to share with you, you’ll also have the power to:
- Tap into systems that already works so that you don’t have to reinvent the wheel.
- Let go of the frustration and confusion around where to start when it comes to building your business and prepare for less stress and more forward, focused action.
- Swap the trial-and-error and guesswork for a clear, step-by-step approach to building your business in a smart and efficient way.
- Feel confident regarding what exactly you need to be working on when you sit down at your desk on a Monday morning, ready to take the next steps to move your business forward.
These outcomes are fully within reach for you and your wellness business (whether you’re starting from scratch or searching for that B-vitamin shot in the you-as-a-practitioner-know-where of your current business).
… but, they do depend on getting the support you need to take focused, consistent, ongoing action.
The kind of support that leverages the most current marketing methods and business strategies while dodging all of those bright shiny objects that capture your attention but ultimately leave you spinning your wheels and rummaging around for another square of dark chocolate to help you make it through another frustrating day of trying to figure all of this out.
The kind of support that will help you write your to-do list for the day with confidence, knowing that the steps you’re taking are moving your business forward in a clear and focused direction toward your goals.
The kind of support that has prompted your fellow NTA grads to say things like this:

If you want this kind of support, then I’d love to introduce you to the Holistic Entrepreneur Association Professional Membership.
Here’s What’s Waiting for You Inside the Professional Membership:

Masterclasses with Business Experts
Each month, we bring in business experts to teach you about a relevant and actionable strategy to move your business forward. The step-by-step Monthly Action Plans that accompany these masterclasses enable you to seamlessly implement the each of the concepts right into your business.
Learn from finance experts, copywriting experts, lawyers, brand specialists, marketing experts, and more.
Here are just a few of the Masterclasses we have inside the membership: How to Create a Rockstar-Worthy About Me Page, How to Effectively Talk About What You Do, The Steps You Should Take to Mitigate Your Legal Liability, How to Create More Engagement from Your Marketing, How to Craft an Effective Referral Request Letter… and a whole lot more coming up.
With a new Masterclass to dig into each and every month, you’re sure to make forward, focused, consistent progress in your business, month in and month out.
I just wanted to thank you for what you do. I feel more professional, streamlined and able to focus on what I’m truly passionate about because of what you’re doing! Thank you 🙂
Monthly Community Calls
Building a business takes dedication and ongoing action. During these live group video calls, we cover time-relevant topics for that month, such as regular financial reviews to help you stay on track with your bookkeeping, quarterly goal setting to keep you laser-focused and making progress, seasonal content and promotions planning, and guided walkthroughs for revisiting and upgrading your foundational marketing assets, such as your messaging, specific pages of your website, and more.
These live video calls are also a great opportunity to share your questions and current challenges and receive personal guidance and feedback.

Masterclasses with Practitioners,
Sharing How They Did It
Learn from successful practitioners who’ve crushed it in their business. Find out how they got started, how exactly they get clients, their favorite marketing methods, and the tools and strategies they use to run their businesses.
These practitioners bring you behind the curtain and give you an intimate look at what they did to achieve success.
I just watched the interviews in the Masterclass with successful practitioners. I thoroughly enjoyed them! I learned a lot and gleaned great ideas and direction from them. Thank you for having these and thank you for such an incredible membership website and all that you offer. I can’t say enough.
Tech Training Made Easy
The technical side of setting up your business can sometimes feel incredibly daunting and act as a frustrating bottleneck that stands between you and a smoothly running business. That’s why the HEA Professional membership also includes simple, easy-to-follow video tutorials that break down the complicated technical parts of marketing your
You’ll get:
- Tutorials for getting a website up and running quickly
- Detailed video instructions for how to set up your email service provider
- Video walkthroughs for how to design and order your own business cards through vetted and affordable professional printing services

Pre-Designed Marketing Materials
A primary way that we attract and communicate with our potential clients is through the visual aspects of our branding and marketing.
Things like our business cards, the flyers we hand out for our events, our website… all of these visual elements say something about who we are as a practitioner and as a brand – and yes, in case you didn’t realize it, you now have a brand!
The key to strong, professional, polished branding is consistency.
One of the easiest ways to ensure your branding is visually consistent is by using something called a branding board. In the Professional Membership, you’ll find five pre-designed branding boards that you can choose from, each with their own complete set of corresponding, pre-designed marketing materials.
The HEA is a wonderful organization that is designed to support Holistic Entrepreneurs with resources, tools, ideas, information, and more. My holisitic nutritional therapy practice in Redding, California has greatly benefited from this organization’s resources, and Jessica, the founder, is one of the most personable, friendly, supportive, and helpful individuals I’ve met online. You can see her true passion to help others in everything that she does. I am thanks for the inspiration, help, and support that Jessica and the HEA organization has given so freely. Elise Hawkins Nutritional Therapy is a more equipped, effective, and successful because of this association. Thanks HEA!!
Pre-Written Articles
If you have any doubt about whether or not you should be taking the time to send out a regular email newsletter to your audience, however big or small your audience may be right now, remember this:
From Experian: “For every dollar spent on email marketing, the average return is $44.25.”
So no, this is not a marketing action that you want to skip. We make it simple to do by providing you with monthly, pre-written, relevant, high-quality articles that you can use for your monthly newsletter.

Daily Curated Content for Your Social Media Platforms
Posting health-related articles and nutritious recipes on your social media accounts is a great way to keep your audience interested and engaged, but searching for them online can be time-consuming. We make this aspect of marketing your business easier by providing fresh, relevant, curated content you can easily choose from and share, that’s updated each and every day.
Plus, we provide a Social Media Essentials tutorial to help you understand how you should be using social media, how often you should be posting, and which platforms you should be using.
Jessica has created an incredible resource for budding holistic entrepreneurs. Upon graduating from the NTA, I had a lot of enthusiasm for starting my business,
I am so happy with the way my website looks now, and I am so excited to utilize the social media and marketing resources available with the holistic entrepreneur site. Jessica is friendly and goes above and beyond consistently for her users. I can’t recommend HEA enough!
Pre-Designed Social Media Images
In addition to providing curated health-related articles and recipes that you can share on your social platforms, we also provide a monthly social media pack with ready-made social media images to download and brand as your own.
These images and their accompanying tips and quotes provide an eye-catching and powerful way to engage your followers and grow your social audience.

Pre-Written, Pre-Designed, Customizable, Done-for-You Presentation Kits
Delivering lectures, presentations, and workshops is a tried and true way to get new clients.
These presentation kits were created to dramatically reduce the time and energy needed for creating and executing seamless, effective lectures and workshops. With robust outlines, professionally designed presentation slides, a variety of marketing materials including flyers and social media posts, follow up emails, disclaimers, a beautifully designed digital downloadable gift to entice your attendees to sign up for your email list, and much more, these kits are a
A Community to Help Support You
Our incredible members are truly what set the HEA Professional Membership apart.
We have the most encouraging, kind community of practitioners supporting each other inside our community. Join a group of generous and like-minded practitioners who, like you, are committed to creating a successful business. Our safe, warm, and friendly community forum is a great place for asking questions, getting feedback and accountability, sharing your wins, receiving support through your challenges, and seeing what’s currently working best for other practitioners marketing and running their businesses.
Questions and Answers
“Does anyone have a recipe creation software they can recommend?” “I’m thinking of going with this insurance provider for my practice, does anyone else use them?” In our community, you can ask questions of your fellow members and provide your insights as well.
Want to bounce your newly written professional bio or elevator pitch off of a few people? Hoping to get feedback on your About Page? Our community is the place to do it.
Collabs, Cross-Promotions + Publicity Opportunities
Want to work with fellow practitioners for a cross-promotion, guest blog, or any other sort of collaboration? Or have you seen a neat opportunity you’d like to share such as a chance to speak at an online summit or be featured on a podcast? Find like-minded members in the community.
So here’s how it works…
As an NTA grad, you receive 3 free months of obligation-free access to the HEA Professional Membership.
If you’d like to keep your membership after your free three months are up, you can do so for about the same monthly price as a bottle of wholesale probiotics.
(Which you’ll be locking in for good, even when prices go up in the future)
Our membership platform requires a credit card to unlock access, but you won’t be charged anything until after your free 90-day trial is complete. You are welcome to continue your membership at that time but you’re under no obligation to do so. If you decide you no longer want access to the resources available in the Professional Membership, no hard feelings! You have the option to cancel your Professional Membership before your 90-day trial ends right inside your member dashboard.
If you’d like to continue your membership and keep getting business support month after month, you won’t have to do a thing – simply let your membership continue after your free three months are up.
3 months free
Plus, you can cancel at any time. It’s fully obligation-free.
If you finish your three month trial, want to continue with a paid membership for a few more months, then decide you’d like to cancel, no worries! There’s no obligation and no cancellation fees. Just straight-up $20/month for your membership after your free three months are up (or $200/year if you’d prefer to go with our annual membership, which you can learn about below.)
And of course, if you’d prefer to only hang around for the free three months, that’s totally fine too. Simply cancel your membership within your member dashboard before your free three months are up and you won’t be charged a cent.
If you have any questions at all or need any support, reach out to us anytime at support@holisticentrepreneurassociation.com. You’ll receive a response from our friendly Community Manager Amanda or from me – either of us will be happy to help you out.
Think you might want to stick around after your free three months are up and continue on a money-saving annual plan?
3 months free
You Have Questions? We Have Answers.
What happens when my three free months are up?
If you’ve decided you’d like to continue your membership, then great! You don’t have to do anything. You’ll simply be enrolled in whichever plan you chose when you signed up (monthly or annual).
If you’d prefer to cancel your membership, no worries! Simply cancel before your free three months are up and you won’t be charged a cent. Simply head over to your member profile and select “Manage Your Membership”. From there, you’ll be able to cancel your membership (and you can also head over there anytime to see when your free three months are up).
Who is the Professional Membership best suited for?
There are three types of holistic professionals that are the best fit for the Professional Membership:
1. You’re just getting started and feeling overwhelmed with where to start, how to bring in your first client, and how to get your ducks in a row with organizing and building your business.
2. You’ve been in business for a bit, but aren’t seeing as many clients as you’d like. You’re craving direction and additional support for marketing your business and bringing in more clients.
3. You have a profitable business but would like additional marketing support, ongoing business education, and a community of fellow practitioners to bounce new ideas off of and to stay current with best practices in business and marketing.
Where does the membership take place?
You’ll have access to the membership and the materials in an online platform. Our community forum is conducted within a private Facebook group. Once you sign up for your membership, you can log in to the platform at any time from anywhere in the world. The membership platform works beautifully on mobile, tablet, and on your computer.
I'm not sure that I'm quite ready to start my business. Can I defer my 3 months of access?
You’re certainly welcome to defer! However, please note that you’ll be locking in whatever the current rates are at the time you activate your free three month trial.
Right now, it’s $20/month or $200/year to continue your membership after your free three months come to an end. It doesn’t matter if prices increase in the future – you’ll always be grandfathered into those rates if you keep your membership active, as those are the rates you locked in when you signed up for your free three months.
Can I cancel at any time?
Yes, you may cancel your membership at any time. There are no fees associated with canceling or any other weird hidden fees.
I have another question that wasn't listed here, who should I contact?
You’re welcome to reach out to our team directly at support@holisticentrepreneurassociation.com with any other questions. I can’t wait to welcome you into the Professional Membership community!
The HEA Professional Membership is the ongoing support you’ve been looking for to launch, grow, and scale your business.
Get 3 Months of Access Absolutely Free.

How Is the HEA Professional Membership Different from the NTA’s Career Development Course?
The Career Development Course is an eight-week, instructor-led, guided program that I created with Miriam Zacharias, author of The Peace Process. If you haven’t seen that course, I’d highly recommend checking it out here. One of the great things about the Career Development Course is that you have access to the instruction team every step of the way, who help guide you through every module and give you feedback on each of your assignments. The course culminates in the creation of your very own, personalized Career Compass – essentially, a completely customized business and marketing plan for your success.
The HEA Professional Membership is not a guided, instructor-led course, but instead is a membership platform that provides a wealth of done-for-you marketing materials, ongoing business training, community support, and video lessons on the nitty-gritty technical aspects of running your business.
You’re not required to take the Career Development Course in order to take advantage of your complimentary HEA Professional Membership, but I would recommend it!
With your three months of complimentary access as an NTA graduate, the only thing you’re risking right now is spending another week running your business without a solid strategy and a support system to help you execute it.
One that leverages modern marketing strategies and allows you to:
- Tap into systems that already works so that you don’t have to reinvent the wheel.
- Let go of the frustration and confusion around where to start when it comes to building your business and prepare for less stress and more forward, focused action.
- Swap the trial-and-error and guesswork for a clear, step-by-step approach to building your business in a smart and efficient way.
- Feel confident regarding what exactly you need to be working on when you sit down at your desk on a Monday morning, ready to take the next steps to move your business forward.

If you’re ready to make meaningful, consistent, forward progress in your business, then I can’t wait to see you inside the HEA Professional Membership.
– Jessica